权限 要使用iBeacon监控,要先做以下检查
if ([ CLLocationManager isMonitoringAvailableForClass :[ CLBeaconRegion class ]]) {
if ([ CLLocationManager authorizationStatus ] != kCLAuthorizationStatusAuthorizedAlways ) {
[ CLLocationManager requestAlwaysAuthorization ];
且必须打开后台获取地理位置更新权限 Important Apps must have always authorization to use region monitoring, and they must be configured with the Location updates background mode to be launched.
Beacon属性 proximityUUID (The unique ID of the beacons being targeted.) major (The value identifying a group of beacons.) minor (The value identifying a specific beacon within a group.) 实现 一般先检测Beacon的进出(Enter/Exit),再获取具体距离(Ranging),且苹果建议只在Foreground情况下Ranging
CLBeaconRegion * region = [[ CLBeaconRegion alloc ] initWithProximityUUID : uuid identifier : uuidStr ];
region . notifyEntryStateOnDisplay = YES ;
[ locationManager startMonitoringForRegion : region ];
// CLLocationManagerDelegate
- ( void ) locationManager :( CLLocationManager * ) manager didEnterRegion :( CLRegion * ) region {
[ manager startRangingBeaconsInRegion :( CLBeaconRegion * ) region ];
- ( void ) locationManager :( CLLocationManager * ) manager didExitRegion :( CLRegion * ) region {
[ manager stopRangingBeaconsInRegion :( CLBeaconRegion * ) region ];
- ( void ) locationManager :( CLLocationManager * ) manager didRangeBeacons :( NSArray * ) beacons inRegion :( CLBeaconRegion * ) region
关于后台运行 当App不在前台或者被杀死是,也可以感应iBeacon信号,系统会唤醒App并给予一小段时间(10秒左右)进行处理。 这时可以使用 ` [UIApplication beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:] ` 请求更多后台执行时间
1个App最多能同时监控20个regions Core Location limits to 20 the number of regions that may be simultaneously monitored by a single app.